Discover Local Colorado

Our New Online Colorado Souvenir Shop!

Our New Online Colorado Souvenir Shop!

We're very excited to share with you our new Colorado souvenir shop! It's a collection of our favorite Colorado themed gifts & souvenirs that emphasize a modern and minimal aesthetic. We also actively seek out high quality goods and keepsakes that are a pleasure to use regularly and enjoy.

Why did we launch a souvenir shop?

We found ourselves discovering more and more Colorado-made and Colorado-proud products that we were excited about, and we also have started designing and producing a few products of our own. Our main goal is to create a collection of Colorado keepsakes, souvenirs, and gifts that tend towards the modern and minimal design aesthetic we love. You won't find Colorado flag gear here (tons of other people are doing that very well), but you will find high quality, well-designed products that bring joy with every use. 

We wanted to make these things available to everyone, so you don't have to build a gift box to get your hands on any of these lovelies!

What Colorado products are we most excited about?

Aside from our obsessions on the food side of the business (Chile Crunch & Chocolove PB Cups for Sarah, Helliemae's salted caramels for Dulcie) we're developing our favorite Colorado keepsakes, too.

Sarah drinks her morning coffee out of the Colorado coffee mug every morning (or, whenever it's clean)...

Colorado coffee mug

And Dulcie is frequently spotted around town with her Colorado Tote Bag.

Colorado Tote Bag

Browse all of our favorite Colorado Souvenirs here.
Do you have recommendations for us?

We love when our customers and friends share new up-and-coming makers with us. Please drop us a line if something has caught your eye lately! We'd love to check it out. Email us at